Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Send-off

©Stacie Sandall

You gave me pretty packages
wrapped in gems and hearts galore.
I dared not to unwrap them,
but with love my heart did pour.
Each day you gave more boxes
shimmering bright with silver and gold.
I kept those boxes on the shelf
and to you my heart was sold.
The boxes piled up so high,
my happiness abound.
I thought they'd tide me over
during the time you weren't around.
I felt a little heart-sick
with you at such a length.
I sat among the treasures
to gather up my strength.
I pulled the fancy ribbons,
and when all the lids were lifted
what I saw was terrifying.
My stomach violently shifted.
The dusty bottoms of each box
stared me in the face.
I thought it was love, not a blatant shove,
in each dreadfully hollow case.

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